
As essential as brushing your teeth… if you skip it, people will know!

Let’s Talk

You: “I have content/copy. I think it’s pretty good, but I’d really like a professional to look it over before I… [ send it to the printer, post it online, submit it to my board, send it off to the CEO, submit the grant application, email the newsletter, give the presentation, apply to the job, submit the article, provide my report to the donor, get it off to my shareholders].”

Me: “Great! You’ve come to the right place. Everyone needs a second eye on their work before it goes “live.” Let us polish up your content: dot your i’s, cross your t’s, check grammar and punctuation, simplify language and review for clarity. Also, we will check over compliance to style guides if needed (e.g., Chicago, APA, MLA). We’ll all sleep better at night.

Why I Need It

Proofreading is the last quality check before a product goes out into the world (1). Two reasons you need it…

  1. It makes you and look stellar.

  2. It’s fast, easy and relatively inexpensive compared to the embarrassment it may save you.

Bottom line: Don’t submit your amazing content with avoidable errors. It’s like rolling up to a job interview late with last night’s dinner all over your pants and shirt. Hint: It doesn’t look professional and you probably won’t get the job.

Show Me


I love a good chuckle due to the occasional grammar or spelling #fail. Most of the time, the stakes aren’t too high. A typo when you text your mom or message your co-worker is harmless at best and hilarious at worst.

But, don’t let the examples below happen to you when • you’re briefing your CEO • delivering a PowerPoint presentation to the Board of Directors • launching your business’s website • finalizing your year-end report • sending out that major donor update submitting a huge grant proposal, your grad school application, or worse, your resume and cover letter. •

And remember, the difference between “Let’s eat Grandma” and “Let’s eat, Grandma” is literally life and death.

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