
At-a-glance, Ink Well offers two main services—editing and writing—for a variety of purposes and content types. ➡

Read through the services and click the “Learn More” buttons below each service to dive in further.

Content Types include: books/novels • articles/op-eds • (e)newsletters • emails • marketing copy • press releases • blogs • presentations • academic papers • menus • children’s books • reviews • reports for donors/ shareholders • white papers • website landing pages • video scripts • social media content • product descriptions • curriculum & training materials • grant applications • school applications •


Copyediting is an important step in the process of turning a manuscript into a published product (e.g., book, blog, online article, newsletter, etc.). Editing copy can involve a number of different entry points depending on where in the production process a written piece of work is (e.g., concept stage, outline, first draft, final draft) and what the author or client wants (e.g., structural recommendations, a heavy or medium edit, a quick proofread) and the timeframe they are operating within. Because the overall goal in writing is to communicate well, the main focus of copyediting is to improve clarity, coherency, consistency, and correctness.

For more information on the editing phases Ink Well provides (Developmental Editing, Line Editing, and Proofing), and what the expected outcomes of each phase are, click below.

No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else’s draft.
— H.G. Wells
A good editor is someone who cares a little less about the author’s needs than the reader’s
— Dene October

Copywriting / Content Development

Copywriting is any writing that’s done to convince readers to take an action, whether it’s buying a product, downloading a report, or engaging with an organization or company. The product (called copy), is written content that aims to advertise a product, brand, or ideology, drive conversion/sales, and encourage a direct response from consumers/clients. Excellent copywriting is crucial to delivering on any marketing strategy and involves researching, crafting content, and publishing information to meet a strategic goal.

Content development refers to art of writing that builds a connection and rapport with an audience by  providing content that informs, educates, entertains, or instructs readers. Over time, these relationships build brand recognition and loyalty, increase domain authority, and encourage forward momentum. The goal is to positively influence the reader by adding value.

Writing is easy. Just put a sheet of paper in the typewriter and start bleeding.
— Thomas Wolfe
You can pretend to be serious; you can’t pretend to be witty.
— Sacha Guitry

Consultation - Let’s Talk

You: “To be honest, I’m not sure exactly what I need. I’ve got this idea and I’m hoping we might be able to talk through it. Maybe you can suggest a few next steps?”

Me: “Sure thing. Let’s figure out where you’re at and what you might need to move forward. Sometimes it’s a more defined strategy, a more robust outline, additional research, a different perspective or angle, or something else entirely. Choose “consultation” on the contact form. If I can help, great! If not, I’ll try to point you to someone who can. It takes a village!”

There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation.
— Ali ibn Abi Talib


Rates vary according to service (editing or copywriting/content development) and content type but generally range between 35 and 55 USD per hour. The best way to get an estimate is to contact me with a description of your project, a sample (if possible), and your preferred deadline.