A Blog Named Dog?!

Why have a BLOG, when you can have a DOG?

Blogs seem… a wee bit boring. Dogs however… always entertaining. People click on dogs. And that is my hope with this section of the site: To entertain you, to share a bit of my perspective on the world, and in turn, to hear yours, and finally, to nerd out on writing and editing.

Now, where was I? Ah yes, dogs are always entertaining… fact.

Just look at our friend on the banner image of this page. Without a doubt, he’s got it going on. He protects his eyes from harmful UV rays, he enjoys nature, he’s up on the news, and he’s fashionably well-read in red. Bob will wrestle the hell out of a tug rope, but he’s not one to shy away from the occasional pampering a la pedi-pedi. He’s calm, cool and collected, and supports Switzerland and the Red Cross.

He, friends, is Ink Well’s officially unofficial mascot and will heretofore be named Bob. All postings on this DOG (blog) shall be referred to as “Bob posts.” Should a newsletter ever push forth from this site, it shall come in the form of “Bob mail.”

“Have you read the latest Bob post, Cindy?”

“Not yet, but his last newsletter had me rolling. Bob mail just makes my day!”

Get the gist? A blog named Dog, whose name is Bob.

Good, glad we cleared that up.

Now, if by some miracle you’re still reading and have followed me thus far, I have one more thing to say. If you happen to be a cat person, you’re in luck because I neither discriminate, nor prop up the false dichotomy that one is purely aligned toward cat or dog. It’s an affinity. You may lean in the direction of dog, but, you can still love cat. Conversely, you can lean hard toward cat, but still appreciate dog. Liking one does not necessarily mean disliking the other. Not all dogs are dumb. Not all cats are bat-shit crazy. Both dogs and cats though, have the innate ability to be hilarious, ridiculous and absolutely bonkers. They make us better humans for it. Bottom line: this is an equal opportunity blog. Or dog. Or cat. Discuss.