State of the Onion

For quite a while I had an endless supply of things to write about. Not so much lately. And rather drivel on about stuff that I’m only marginally into, I’ve been keeping quiet. And I’m good with that. Sure, I feel the occasional guilt… I’m ignoring Bob! But as adorable as Bob is, sometimes I want to walk my own (real) dog in the morning or afternoon. And she’s been a bit grumpy this winter with the dearth of walks.


Alongside the Ink Well work, I’ve been teaching a class at a local community college, taking an intense class online, editing youth poems for a local non-profit, hanging with under-housed peeps on Monday nights, getting set up to potentially foster parent in the Fall, watching Picard, the Mandalorian and the Crown, and occasionally speaking on Sundays at our wonky little church downtown. So, in that sense, I guess I’ve been doing the things I care about. I also care deeply about writing because it’s been such a huge part of my life and personal growth, but like most things… there are seasons. (You know you’ve been guilty of binging on T-Swift for weeks on end and then dropping her cold for a year. T, it’s not you, it’s me.) Luckily the pen holds no grudges… even when sometimes I imagine she does.


So anyway, that’s what’s been cooking on the Ink Well front. Lots of creative energy going into trying to present material to students in interesting ways twice a week. Lots of grind on the client work and the class I’m taking. Going to bed tired. Trying to move on the weekends. Fending off crime and colds. Mostly colds. OK, only colds. And trying to stay connected to peeps I care about. I’m not always the best at the latter. Luckily, I have very forgiving friends and family.


Now, go right ahead and print this out, tear it up, and there you have it folks, the Ink Well State of the Onion.

[Blog Photo Credit - Ashley Nickle from this article]